Say Their Name | Podcast | DCP Entertainment
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Webby Award Winner STN
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"Say Their Name" focuses on the assault and killing of people by police, highlighting incidents throughout the United States.


Serving as a memorialization for these individuals, we learn about who these people were through the words of the people that knew them best, while also helping us understand what these situations do to their families and communities not only in the immediate aftermath, but also what happens when the news-cycle moves on and the social media attention shifts focus. 


We offer solutions, spread awareness and support these families & communities.

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Important to Hear These Stories


We need to hear these stories so we are aware of the injustices happening to people of color at the hands of law enforcement. Good reporting and telling the stories of these victims and survivors from first hand accounts and those who know them.

Honest, Raw Stories


Great productions and heartfelt, emotional accounts of the wreckage left behind from these tragic, unacceptable events. Educate yourself and listen.


Say Their Name


I am so grateful for a podcast that is transparent enough to keep us informed of the number of racial injustices that have occurred in our lifetime and before!! These stories are loaded with intimate details of the victims, their families and loved ones which enables the listener to understand the situation as if we lived it too.

Unique Perspectives From Families


These are literally families telling their stories, how these tragedies have affected them, and how they’re fighting for justice. The interviews are free flowing and honest, and it’s so important to listen to their unique perspectives. Thank you to the creators for giving these families this platform.

"Say Their Name"

We Have No Black-Led Law Firms | Say Their Name
We Have No Black-Led Law Firms | Say Their Name
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We Have No Black-Led Law Firms | Say Their Name

Justice Is Personal | Say Their Name
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Justice Is Personal | Say Their Name

Police Know What They Can Get Away With | Say Their Name
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Police Know What They Can Get Away With | Say Their Name

WE All Pay for Police Brutality | Say Their Name
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WE All Pay for Police Brutality | Say Their Name

Injustice is a Call to Action | Say Their Name
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Injustice is a Call to Action | Say Their Name

Silence Protects You in Police Encounters | Say Their Name
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Silence Protects You in Police Encounters | Say Their Name

Silence is Your Most Important Right | Say Their Name
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Silence is Your Most Important Right | Say Their Name

You Have the RIGHT to Remain Silent | Say Their Name
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You Have the RIGHT to Remain Silent | Say Their Name

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