Miriam Carey
On October 3, 2013, 34 year old, Miriam Carey was driving with her baby in the car when she was shot at 26 times, and was hit 5 times in the back and head by Capitol Police, after she accidentally made an incorrect turn into a White House security checkpoint. Her baby was not physically harmed. Miriam’s sister, Valarie Carey (retired NYPD sergeant), and other relatives have drawn stark contrasts to the way Miriam was treated and killed, vs the white Capitol rioters on January 6, 2021.
Val Carey (sister)
(Pictured: Amy (left), Val (middle), Miriam (right)
"Miriam was very charming, charismatic, she had a beautiful smile, friendly, outgoing, it expanded into adulthood.
Very goal oriented, driven, if she had a goal she figured out how to make it happen."

Melody Fox (friend)
"She wasn't traveling alone she was traveling with her child. Her child was strapped in a car seat, as a protective mom would do. Making sure your baby is secure and now guns are drawn at your child. So you're driving away as fast as you can."